Star wars battle of felucia

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Affiliations: Galactic Empire Emperor’s Hand Smuggler’s Alliance New Republic New Jedi Order Galactic Federation of Free Alliances.Death: 40 ABY (After the Battle of Yavin).

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According to Traya, Mira’s death occurred several years after her adventures with Surik “on a forgotten planet, saving the lives of others” (). LegacyĪlthough little is known about Mira’s life following the events of Knights of the Old Republic II, it is believed that she later died around the year 3951 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin) an event predicted earlier by Darth Traya. Alongside her new companions, Mira played a pivotal role in rebuilding the Jedi Order (following the First Purge of the Jedi). Under Surik’s guidance, the former bounty hunter began extensive training “in the ways of a Jedi Sentinel” (). After joining forces with Meetra Surik, following her pursuit of a bounty on the lone Jedi, it was later discovered that Mira was Force Sensitive.